8×14 ECO a-frame storage shed display #2030 —- FREE delivery within 20 miles of waterloo ny. we deliver to any town in upstate ny call for delivery price over 20 miles ————
8×14 ECO a-frame storage shed display #2030
gray metal siding and roof with 45 yr warranty .
white trim
black metal roof.
wall studs and rafters 24″ on center .
Vented gable ends .
Flooring ¾ inch cdx plywood .
Floor joist 2×4 treated.
Doors 6x6ft low maintenance fiberglass.
———- Come see our display at —————-
Stoney Ridge Country Store
1019 state rt 96
waterloo ny 13165
ph# 3152208360
wall studs and rafters 24″ on center .
Vented gable ends .
Flooring ¾ inch cdx plywood .
Floor joist 2×4 treated.
Doors 6x6ft low maintenance fiberglass.
———- Come see our display at —————-
Stoney Ridge Country Store
1019 state rt 96
waterloo ny 13165
ph# 3152208360
8×14 ECO a-frame storage shed display #2030 —- FREE delivery within 20 miles of waterloo ny. we deliver to any town in upstate ny call for delivery price over 20 miles ————
8×14 ECO a-frame storage shed display #2030
gray metal siding and roof with 45 yr warranty .
white trim
black metal roof.
wall studs and rafters 24″ on center .
Vented gable ends .
Flooring ¾ inch cdx plywood .
Floor joist 2×4 treated.
Doors 6x6ft low maintenance fiberglass.
———- Come see our display at —————-
Stoney Ridge Country Store
1019 state rt 96
waterloo ny 13165
ph# 3152208360
8×14 ECO a-frame storage shed display #2030
gray metal siding and roof with 45 yr warranty .
white trim
black metal roof.
wall studs and rafters 24″ on center .
Vented gable ends .
Flooring ¾ inch cdx plywood .
Floor joist 2×4 treated.
Doors 6x6ft low maintenance fiberglass.
———- Come see our display at —————-
Stoney Ridge Country Store
1019 state rt 96
waterloo ny 13165
ph# 3152208360